Virtuoso Digital Implementation |
Cadence |
针对电路驱动的混合信号设计,其中一小模块数字实现,提供一个完整的综合,布局布线的系统工具。 |
Virtuoso Digital Implementation |
Cadence |
针对电路驱动的混合信号设计,其中一小模块数字实现,提供一个完整的综合,布局布线的系统工具。 |
Virtuoso Layout Migrate |
Cadence |
Offers rapid physical layout migration, including support for complex design rules at advanced nodes. |
Virtuoso Layout Migrate |
Cadence |
Offers rapid physical layout migration, including support for complex design rules at advanced nodes. |
Virtuoso Layout Suite |
Cadence |
Provides the complete physical layout environment of the industry-standard Virtuoso custom design platform, a comprehensive solution for front-to-back custom-analog, digital, RF, and mixed-signal design. |
Virtuoso Layout Suite |
Cadence |
Provides the complete physical layout environment of the industry-standard Virtuoso custom design platform, a comprehensive solution for front-to-back custom-analog, digital, RF, and mixed-signal design. |
Virtuoso Multi-Mode Simulation |
Cadence |
Enables comprehensive design and verification by linking the industry’s leading simulation engines for seamless simulation throughout the design cycle. |
Virtuoso Multi-Mode Simulation |
Cadence |
Enables comprehensive design and verification by linking the industry’s leading simulation engines for seamless simulation throughout the design cycle. |
Virtuoso Power System |
Cadence |
Enables custom design teams to efficiently analyze power and signal integrity for all designs implemented using a custom methodology. |
Virtuoso Schematic Editor |
Cadence |
Provides a complete design and constraint composition environment for front-to-back analog, custom-digital, RF, and mixed-signal designs. |
Virtuoso Schematic Editor |
Cadence |
Provides a complete design and constraint composition environment for front-to-back analog, custom-digital, RF, and mixed-signal designs. |
Virtuoso Spectre Circuit Simulator |
Cadence |
Delivers a fast, SPICE-accurate simulator for challenging analog, RF, and mixed-signal circuit simulation and device characterization. |
Virtuoso Spectre Circuit Simulator |
Cadence |
Delivers a fast, SPICE-accurate simulator for challenging analog, RF, and mixed-signal circuit simulation and device characterization. |
Virtuoso UltraSim Full-Chip Simulator |
Cadence |
Delivers the capacity, accuracy, and speed for transistor-level verification of large custom-analog, digital, mixed-signal, RF, memory, and SoC designs. |
VoltageStorm Power Verification |
Cadence |
自动分析并优化去耦电容的大小和位置,降低动态电压降。 |
Allegro PCB SI |
Cadence |
Provides advanced interconnect modeling for constraint development and electrical analysis of multi-gigabit designs. Simulates high-speed signals, systems, and power delivery networks at the single- or multi-board level. |
OrCAD FPGA System Planner |
Cadence |
Innovative FPGA-PCB Co-Design |
OrCAD 产品
OrCAD Signal Explorer |
Cadence |
Pre- and post-route signal integrity analysis and board-level topology exploration |
OrCAD 产品
D435 |
Intel |
英特尔公司成为世界上最大设计和生产半导体的科技巨擘。为全球日益发展的计算机工业提供建筑模块,包括微处理器、芯片组、板卡、系统及软件等。这些产品为标准计算机架构的组成部分。业界利用这些产品为最终用户设计制造出先进的计算机。英特尔公司致力于在客户机、服务器、网络通讯、互联网解决方案和互联网服务方面为日益兴起的全球互联网经济提供建筑模块。 |
D415 |
Intel |
Intel® RealSense™深度摄像头D415将Intel D4视觉处理器和深度模块集成在外形小巧、功能强大、成本低廉、可立即部署的封装中。Intel® RealSense™ D400系列摄像头设计用于实现轻松设置和便于携带,是将深度感应应用到设备中的开发者、制造者和创新者的理想选择。这些摄像头可捕获室内或室外环境,具有远距离功能以及高达1280x720的深度分辨率(30帧每秒 (fps))。 |