Cadence® Incisive® Design Team Simulator provides testbench creation, reuse, and analysis capabilities to verify designs from the system level, through RTL, to the gate level. The environment supports a coverage-driven methodology from verification planning to closure. Incisive Design Team Simulator’s native-compiled architecture speeds the simultaneous simulation of behavioral, transaction (TLM), RTL, and gate-level models, eliminating the performance degradation in traditional co-simulation. It also supports industry-standard verification languages and is compatible with the Open Verification Methodology (OVM, so engineers can quickly and easily integrate Incisive Design Team Simulator with established verification flows.
Supports testbench generation, analysis, and reuse
Offers comprehensive coverage capabilities including code, functional, and transactional
Provides HDL analysis capabilities
Drives and guides verification with an automatically backannotated and executable verification plan
Automates the transfer of coverage data to verification management products
Supports SystemC®, SystemVerilog, Verilog®, VHDL , PSL, and SVA