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无线英文名称:wireless。一般来说,“无线”指的是无线电或无线电波,通信领域范畴。随着生活水平的提高,目前我们接触的电子产品都能用到无线。 射频英文名称Radio Frequency缩写RF,适用领域范围通信。它是一种高频交流变化电磁波的简称。


型号 品牌 产品描述 类型
PE4304 pSemi 75-ohm, 6-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.5 dB steps to 31.5 dB, 1 ? 2000 MHz 衰减器
PE4305 pSemi 50-ohm, 5-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.5 dB steps to 15.5 dB, 1 ? 4000 MHz 衰减器
PE4306 pSemi 50-ohm, 5-bit RF Digital Attenuator 1.0 dB steps to 31 dB, 1 ? 4000 MHz 衰减器
PE4307 pSemi 75-ohm, 5-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.5 dB steps to 15 dB, 1 ? 2000 MHz 衰减器
PE4308 pSemi 75-ohm, 5-bit RF Digital Attenuator 1.0 dB steps to 31 dB, 1 ? 2000 MHz 衰减器
PE4309 pSemi 50-ohm, 6-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.5 dB steps to 31.5 dB, 5 ? 4000 MHz 衰减器
PE43204 pSemi 50-ohm, 2-bit RF Digital Attenuator 6 dB steps to 18 dB, 50 ? 3000 MHz 衰减器
PE43404 pSemi 75-ohm, 4-bit RF Digital Attenuator 1.0 dB steps to 15 dB, 1 ? 2000 MHz 衰减器
PE43501 pSemi 50-ohm, 5-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.25 dB steps to 7.75 dB, 20 ? 6000 MHz Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE43502 pSemi 50-ohm, 5-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.5 dB steps to 15.5 dB, 20 ? 6000 MHz Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE43503 pSemi 50-ohm, 5-bit RF Digital Attenuator 1 dB steps to 31 dB, 20 ? 6000 MHz Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE43601 pSemi 50-ohm, 6-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.25 dB steps to 15.75 dB, 20 ? 6000 MHz Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE43602 pSemi 50-ohm, 6-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.5 dB steps to 31.5 dB, 20 ? 5000 MHz Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE43701 pSemi 50-ohm, 7-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.25 dB steps to 31.75 dB, 20 ? 4000 MHz Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE43702 pSemi 50-ohm, 7-bit RF Digital Attenuator 0.25 dB steps to 31.75 dB, 20 ? 4000 MHz Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE43703 pSemi 50-ohm, 7-bit RF Digital Attenuator, 9kHz ? 6.0 GHz 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0 steps to 31.75 dB range Featuring HaRP? technology enhancements 衰减器
PE64101 pSemi 5-bit 32-state Digitally Tunable Capacitor, 100-3000 MHz SPI Compatible Interface (3-wire) Featuring DuNE? technology enhancements 可调电容器
PE64102 pSemi 5-bit 32-state Digitally Tunable Capacitor, 100-3000 MHz SPI Compatible Interface (3-wire) Featuring DuNE? technology enhancements 可调电容器
PE64904 pSemi 5-bit 32-state Digitally Tunable Capacitor, 100-3000 MHz SPI Compatible Interface (3-wire) Featuring DuNE? technology enhancements 可调电容器
PE64905 pSemi 5-bit 32-state Digitally Tunable Capacitor, 100-3000 MHz I 2 C Compatible Interface (2-wire) Featuring DuNE? technology enhancements 可调电容器

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